Antigua and Barbuda

We visited Antigua once while on a boat cruise,  which gives you a few hours to explore and visit the country.   This is hardly the way to experience a country as basically everything you see is tourist trap type of excursions or activities.   This is why I was really curious to cook and experience this countries cuisine.   However after quite some research I found there was not much original cuisine from this country and most was adopted cuisine.     However I did find a few dishes and Antigua does have a unique pineapple that they grow.  We listened to a political discussion on the local election and how bank employees have gone on strike there.  It was a good to hear how the little guy was sticking up to the 'man' in a way.   Very interesting point of views from both sides of the table.

The Menu


A mixture of sweet potato, flour, raisins and spice that is usually steamed in banana leaves or in my case simply boiled with makeshift banana leaves aka foil.   Victoria really took a fancy to these and if I was to make them again I would most likely add some type of nuts to it.


Well in the interest of keeping the menu original I made this dish.  Basically cornmeal and okra.  I am not a fan of either of these ingredients but that did not deter my dear wife from enjoying it.  The kids were meh on this dish also.
Curry Chicken Salad

This turned out great indeed.  I made a homemade Mango Chutney and baked some fresh bread for this recipe.   This sandwich was packed with flavour and this was a dinner served warm or could be eaten cold on a picnic with all the dishes.  

Uzbekistan is the next country up and I really look forward to this country with its very diverse history and culinary delights.   However we were off to Algonquin Park to see the elusive moose and boy did we see them alright.   We had 10 encounters over a 12 hour period and that was a real treat.  Victoria got some pictures in and I will post them on here.
