Falkland Islands

Falkland Island located in the South Atlantic is a British territory with predominantly British people living there.  A small population of around 2900 people eat mainly a British type diet.   There are many sheep farms in the Falklands and thus a large part of the local diet contains lamb.  We were able to find an online radio station from the Falklands and its always interesting to listen to another countries take on current events.   A refreshing break from our biased and brain dead media.  The weather in the Falklands was around 0 Celsius and Victoria decided to dress for the occasion.  Keeping in mind its 26 Celsius outside right now.

The Menu

Lamb Stew with Garlic Mashed Potatoes

I really struggled to find a decent recipe for the Falklands as they were all typical British, dull and flavourless.   As Britain has evolved to a higher level of taste unfortunately the Falklands was stayed behind.  A lamb stew recipe I found called for boiling lamb, carrots and zucchini together and serve.   Well that would not cut it so I did a lamb stew my style with onions, rosemary, thyme stock and tomato paste but keeping with the zucchini and carrots as per the original recipe.

I served this with a roasted garlic butter mashed potatoes.   It might not have been too authentic compared to the Falklands recipe but I am sure it tasted infinitely better.

Victoria Cake

An English cake that was a favourite of Queen Victoria.  It simply had to be made and I recruited the talents of Princess Victoria for this recipe.  A vanilla sponge cake with strawberry jam and Chambord spiked whipped cream :) .  Ok the Chambord was not part of the original recipe but its my little addition to the cause.   This cake was absolutely delicious and well enjoyed as less then 24 hrs later we only have about 30% of this cake left.
